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Windows Fixes / Check NIC speed CMD
Last post by branx86 - June 15, 2021, 07:56:11 AM
cmd to check nic or wireless card speed

wmic nic where netEnabled=true get name, speed

in Powershell
Get-NetAdapter | select interfaceDescription, name, status, linkSpeed
Linux Fixes / Create a crontab startup scrip...
Last post by branx86 - November 04, 2019, 10:44:14 AM
1. Create script nano
2. Put the text below in the top of the script:
# navigate to home directory, then to this directory, then execute python script, then back home

cd /
cd home/pi/bbt
sudo python
cd /

3.Make script an executable: chmod 755
4. crontab is a background (daemon) process that lets you execute scripts at specific times.
   sudo crontab -e
  To make script start at reboot: @reboot sh /home/pi/ >/home/pi/logs/cronlog 2>&1

reboot should be working.
Linux Fixes / Rsync to copy to another drive
Last post by branx86 - November 01, 2019, 08:01:00 AM
rsync -aAXv --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /* /mnt/bigdrive/BackupImages.1
Windows Fixes / Safe mode windows 10
Last post by branx86 - October 04, 2019, 08:51:41 AM
bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy

bcdedit /set {default} safeboot minimal

bcdedit /set {default} safeboot network

rstrui.exe to run roll back
General Discussion / Sonoff Light switch
Last post by branx86 - August 08, 2019, 01:42:40 PM
Connect wires to GPIO14 & Ground to Control for U.S. Light Switch

Windows Fixes / Get Mac Address remotely
Last post by branx86 - July 23, 2019, 09:32:54 AM
use getmac /s ipaddress       Exp. getmac /s

or  ping address
then   arp -a ipadress

IF it's a windows machine on the other end do " nbtstat -a remotecomputer  "
Windows Fixes / Browser Favorite Locations
Last post by branx86 - July 11, 2019, 09:59:37 AM
Chrome Favorites Location:
Users\Name_OF_User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Internet Explorer Location:

Firefox Location:
C:\Users\<Windows login/user name>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile folder>

Safari Location:
C:\Documents and Settings\YourUsername\Application Data\Apple Computer\Safari\Bookmarks.plist
Windows Fixes / Remove arrows from Icon's win1...
Last post by branx86 - June 13, 2019, 05:24:40 PM
First open regedit
Then navigate    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer

Next, you're going to create a new value inside the Shell Icons key. Right-click the Shell Icons folder icon and choose New > String Value. Name the new value 29.

Now, you're going to modify that value. Double-click the new 29 value and type (or copy and paste) the following into the "Value data" box to remove arrows from shortcut icons:   %windir%\System32\shell32.dll,-50

To put the arrows back just Delete the 29 key.
Arduino / Arduino 16x16 LED Sign
Last post by branx86 - March 12, 2019, 09:34:10 PM
Use Arduino 1.0 to program  use the attachment to program ino and 16x16Scrolling Letters_Numbers to write messages.

IF you use Ardunio IDE 1.6.8
use settings:
      Board "Arduino/Genuino UNO"
      Programmer "AVRISP"
      Serial Monitor Baud Rate "9600"