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Install XBMC (Kodi)

Started by branx86, September 25, 2015, 03:34:40 PM

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, store the following in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mene.list
              deb wheezy contrib

import the archive signing key:  sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 5243CDED

update the package lists: sudo apt-get update

You can then install it as you would with any other package:  sudo apt-get install kodi

The user which you're going to run Kodi as needs to be a member of the following groups:  audio video input dialout plugdev tty

If the input group doesn't exist, you need to create it:  addgroup --system input

and setup some udev rules to grant it ownership of input devices (otherwise the keyboard won't work in Kodi), by placing the following in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules:  SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="input", MODE="0660"
                                                            KERNEL=="tty[0-9]*", GROUP="tty", MODE="0660"

The GPU needs at least 96M of RAM in order for XBMC to run. To configure this add or change this line in /boot/config.txt:  gpu_mem=128

reboot if you changed this value

To run XBMC, run kodi-standalone from a VT (i.e. not under X). XBMC accesses the display directly and not via Xorg.

If you want Kodi to automatically start when the system boots, edit /etc/default/kodi and change ENABLED to 1:

Run sudo service kodi start to test this.

!!!!!!********Flashing an SD card with a prebuilt image********!!!!!!!!!!
unxz raspbian-xbmc-20121029.img.xz
And then copy the image to the SD card device (make sure that you pick the correct device name!)
sudo cp xbmc-20121029-1.img /dev/sdb

Once in Kodi setup Repo's
Step 1: Navigate to the "File manager" tab under the "SYSTEM" menu.
Step 2: Click on the "Add source" option.
Step 3: Select the top text input box marked "<None>" under the "Enter the paths of browse for the media locations" field.
Step 4:  type in ""
Step 5: Select the bottom text input box under the "Enter a name for the media Source" field.
Step 6: type in "fusion"
Step 7: Press the "OK" button at the bottom of the window.
Step 8: You'll now notice that "fusion" is listed within the "File manager" window.
Step 9: Return to the main menu, then Navigate to the "Settings" tab under the "SYSTEM" menu.
Step 10: Select the "Add-ons" option from the left side menu bar.
Step 11: Press the "Ok" button when prompted with the "First run help..." dialogue.
Step 12: Select the "Install from zip file" option.
Step 13: Select the "fusion" folder from the listing.
Step 14: You'll now be able to open whichever folder from which you wish to install add-ons for Kodi.
Step 15: choose  "start-here" folder.
Step 16: Navigate to the "Settings" tab under the "SYSTEM" menu.
Step 17: Select the "Add-ons" option from the left side menu bar.
Step 18: Select the "Install from zip file" function.
Step 19: Select the "fusion" folder from the listing.
Step 20: Select the "start-here" folder listed.
Step 21: Click on the "" file.
Step 22: Return to the main menu, then Navigate to the "PROGRAMS" menu.
Step 23: Launch the "Config Wizard" program add-on listed.
Step 24: Select your desired platform from the options listed.
Step 25: Click the "Yes" button when prompted to confirm the process.
Step 26: Wait a few minutes while the Config Wizard does it's magic.
Step 27: Once completed, you'll be returned to the main menu.
Step 28: Relaunch the "XBMC" application, then wait about five minutes for any available updates to be installed upon first run.